Watooka, Linden – Children of Watooka, a book by Steve Connolly, tells a unique story of the people, places and events of British Guiana, especially those who lived in Watooka. The 351 pages long book was published to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Independence of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, formerly British Guiana.

The book is dotted with stories of the lives of different children of Watooka. It shares their accomplishments and one in particular holds two inimitable national records. The Honourable Samuel Hinds, is a former and the shortest serving President, he is also the longest serving Prime Minister of Guyana.

Mr. Steve Connolly holding the two books; Children of Watooka and Journey Back to Watooka
Mr. Steve Connolly holding the two books; Children of Watooka and Journey Back to Watooka

In reading the book and experiencing life with many of the Children and in the community of Watooka in the 2020s, we got a glimpse of what Watooka could become… if only they dare to build it into reality.

Agricultural power and political influence has been two core perceived strengths of the community over the years. Just owning land or having an address in the community, elevates you, whether it is used by you or not.

Tish remembers sitting smoking Ganja and drinking tea from her farm with her late father. They would talk for hours about how Watooka was and what it could become.

Speaking romantically of her future life under the stars which full the night skies, she promised to confuse us. She says that her tower in the jungle will be the tallest structure in Linden.

My tower will be built high enough to filter out the growing light and noise pollution. It will be powered by the energy in the ground below and around it. It will serve to reduce the years with eyes wet with tears, years which made you and broke you and then set you free.

I only live on a farm, she said, when we asked her if she considers herself a farm girl. Even though she was born on a farm and she’s been farming and living on a farm since childhood.

Her dreams are of medical yachts dotting the riverfront in Watooka, on either side of the Demerara River. Visitors will come to Linden for her eco-friendly restaurants, Natural Sciences clinics, jungle therapy and leave spiritually renewed.

Ganja should have been planted in Watooka since the 1930s she proclaimed. We would have had no incentive to dig up this place; and then again, we can’t change history.

Tish then said, we will continue this gyaff later, leaving our presence and returning a few seconds later with a smile on her face.

When we meet again we have to talk about this thought which came to mind just now. I want you to consider who was here before me and who took better care of this land.

Also, would you consider living in the West?

To be continued…