Sherry Ann Dixon nominated Guyana Country Chair, Youth Enterprise and Leadership, to the Club G100

What a wonderful way to celebrate my birthday month! August has always been a special month for me and today I would like to thank Dr. Anita Davis DeFoe for the celebration of friendship and her belief in the work I do for the wider community. Thank you for these beautiful words Dr. Anita and most of all for the nomination to the Club G100 Youth Enterprise & Leadership Wing as Guyana Country Chair. This is an extremely proud moment for me.

Dr. Anita Davis DeFoe had posted about the nomination on Facebook, the following is the original text.

In 2005, I started to pen a column for an exquisitely designed magazine created by a publishing house in St. Lucia called She Caribbean. For a time I wrote a personal development column called Straight Talk, and then I wrote a column called SheBiz. In 2007, we met, when this global LEADER and DOER became the Editor-In-Chief of the magazine. From our first encounter, there was a connection, one compassionate doer meeting another.

Since 2007, we have supported the work of each other whenever beckoned by a phone call. When she created a global mastermind circle for women called Women On the Crossroads and hosted her first International Women’s Day Commemoration in London, I had the honor of being one of the speakers. When I came back to London to conduct learning sessions at Yvonne Witter’s stellar Enterprise Retreat for entrepreneurs, and on another occasion to appear at a UK book festival, this global dream champion interviewed me on her radio show showcasing my work and travels. And that is who she is, a compassionate and committed global impact leader who sows seeds of goodness into the lives of others. When I reached out to ask her to serve her country, she replied with a resounding YES.

Please join me in celebration and please welcome the G100 Wing, Youth Leadership and Youth Enterprise Guyana County Chair, Sherry Ann Dixon.

Sherry Ann Dixon

Empowerment. Leadership. Unquenchable motivation. Hope.

These are perhaps some of the best ways to describe the skills and talents which have served to define Sherry Ann Dixon over the years. Such traits have also enabled her to rise through the echelons of professional society in order to arrive at the pinnacle of success. Her accolades are as impressive as her personal sense of duty to the public and therefore, it only stands to reason that a modicum of recognition is in order. Having said this, greatness is not only measured by one’s list of prior accomplishments. It is also gauged by the impact that an individual has upon the world. This is when Sherry Ann Dixon truly begins to shine.

In many cases, greatness is born at an early age. It is therefore no surprise that Sherry Ann began displaying many of the traits mentioned above at a mere six years old. Whether referring to her adult roles as a magazine editor, a motivational speaker or as the founder of Women on the Crossroads, there is little doubt that her impact has been felt throughout numerous communities. The fact that she chooses to continue her work into the present day is a further testament to her unwavering commitment to empowerment through both personal and societal change.

Sherry Ann Dixon doing what she loves.

An Unparalleled Level of Hands-On Experience

Unlike some other personalities who have been honoured in recent times, Sherry Ann Dixon has based many of her principles upon interactions with some of the most well-known personalities in the world. These include (but are certainly not limited to) Sir Nelson Mandela, Dr. Maya Angelou, Margaret Thatcher, and Baroness Doreen Lawrence. It is often said that we build ourselves by standing upon the shoulders of giants, so it is only logical to observe that her ability to gain inspiration by these true global icons has served to shape her empowerment techniques over the years.

A Constant Sense of Personal Evolution

Sherry Ann Dixon has likewise made it a point to constantly evolve in terms of her professional and interpersonal skills. Originally stemming from a background in beauty and public relations, she has since branched out into the worlds of editing, journalism, transformational lecturing, and mentoring. This multi-faceted approach has enabled her to reach out to various segments of society; particularly the BAME community, women and children.

Thus, she also serves as a powerful role model who continues to inspire the younger generation. These are perhaps some of the reasons why she was honoured enough to deliver keynote addresses to both the House of Parliament and the House of Lords; two accolades which should never be taken lightly.

Sherry Ann Dixon has led a truly extraordinary life and it is completely understandable that she is proud of her many accomplishments. However, there are a handful of achievements which can serve to succinctly illustrate how this indelible sense of passion has transformed her very own life. These include:

1. In-depth interviews with Dr. Maya Angelou, Sir Nelson Mandela, Baroness Doreen Lawrence.

2. Public speaking engagements with artistic and societal icons including Whitney Houston, Diana Ross, Luther Vandross and many others.

As mentioned previously, Sherry Ann Dixon has likewise featured prominently on the stage; allowing her voice and empowerment beliefs to be disseminated to countless listeners across the world. Some of her most impressive highlights include:

• 2015: United Nations International Day of the Girl. Speaker. UK House of Lords.
• 2016: International Day of the Girl Conference. Speaker, “The Adolescent Girl and the Sustainable Development Goals”. European Parliament in the UK, Parliament House.
• 2016: 60th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60). Speaker, “The Importance of Mentoring Women and G¡rls for Leadership” United Nations Headquarters, New York.
• 2020: United Nations International Day of the Girl. Speaker and moderator; sharing the platform with countless dignitaries including the President of Albania, Her Excellency Dr. Ameenah Gurib-Fakin (the first female vice president of Liberia), Her Excellency Jewel Howard-Taylor (Member of the House of Lords), and baroness Sandip K. Verma (former Deputy Secretary-General of the Commonwealth).

While these hands-on public interactions certainly speak for her influence upon both national and international stages, other activities and awards (32 in all) deserve further recognition. They also serve to illustrate how her humour and zeal goes far beyond interviews alone:

1. 2008: Patron for the National Black Women’s Network (NBWN)
2. Editor of Pride Magazine (seven years as Beauty Editor, 3 as Editor)
3. Editor-in-Chief of SHE Caribbean
4. Winner of the 2016 Outstanding Career Achievement Award (media category)
5. 2016 ALL All Ladies League – Appointed Country Committee Chairperson United Kingdom for Motivation
6. Woman of Excellence Special Recognition Award in 2017
7. 2018: Appointed as a director of the Justina Mutale Foundation
8. 2019: Appointed as Director of Guyana’s first Women Chambers of Commerce and Industry (WCCIG)

It is therefore clear to appreciate how this transformational speaker has been able to truly influence society while benefiting the lives of countless others. This is the very same reason why she deserves further recognition for her continued efforts to this very day. Sherry Ann Dixon represents the epitome of how one individual can immutably transform the world with positive thinking and proactive engagement.