Berbice, Guyana – (Old Houses of Guyana)
[Hicken’s Family House with 100 windows
Built circa 1900
Originally made with 100 windows,
but back in those days only governors
were allowed the privilege of having 100 windows,
so the family were ordered to board up 1 of the windows.
Hence, the name, house of 99 windows.
Berbice, Pln. East Lothian- Guyana]
Along the lonely Pln. East Lothian route
Is a house of 100 windows for looking out
An abandoned house with windows of glass
100 windows but a Governor said it couldn’t be
One was boarded up and it became 99, to see
Grand old Berbice House with nobody home
Like a sentinel of time and still standing alone
Shoes stepping gracefully on hardwood floors
A house of windows made to allow air to flow
Echoes of grandeur on the cool wind as it blows
A greenheart house of loveliness that time forgot
Abandoned to the harsh elements, and now rots
Only spiders spins their webs and ghosts lies within.