Linden Guyana – Miracle Jones, a newborn baby who weighed less than 2 pounds and was given almost no chance of survival just turned 15 weeks old and is growing and developing in a healthy state.


Although Mrs. Fiona Jones and Mr. Simon Jones had already chosen a name for their daughter, the rare story about their baby’s birth and survival led them to give her the name ‘Miracle Jones’.

On March 3rd, 2021, 4 months before her due date, Miracle’s mom, Fiona Jones, had an emergency C-section performed at the Linden Hospital Complex due to ‘placenta abruption’ which was causing heavy bleeding.
A NICU Nurse with Baby Miracle and her Mother Mrs. Fiona Jones
A NICU Nurse with Baby Miracle and her Mother Mrs. Fiona Jones
Miracle came into the world weighing 780 grams and was placed into the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where she was cared for in the best way possible and was discharged on 15th June, 2021.
Mrs. Jones had a still birth in 2017 and her 2nd child spent some time in the NICU due to respiratory distress. Miracle, however, although being born extremely prematurely, experienced no breathing issues and the staff at the Linden Hospital Complex worked tirelessly to ensure that it remained that way. Dr. Teani Small said during her 8 years tenure here, they have had other extremely premature babies that were born but none survived for more than 2 weeks. “Miracle never give us any of the major complications that you would expect in such a young baby” Small said.
Fetuses that are born at a gestational age of less than 28 weeks and weighing less than 1 kilogram has a very poor probability of survival. Dr. Small explained that two of their key focuses were to prevent infection and respiratory distress. “The Pediatric Consultant of the Chinese Medical brigade Dr. Wang Xuli and the nurses attached to the NICU were the driving forces behind Miracle being here today” Small said. Fiona Jones expressed her gratitude to the various teams at the hospital who all played a part in ensuring Miracle’s survival; the antenatal clinic, the Gynecology team, the Female ward staff, the nurses assigned to the NICU, the Pediatric team and our Medical Superintendent Dr. Joseph London. Mrs. Jones emphasized that the level of care that she and Miracle received while at our institution was exceptional from each level of staff.
When asked about her experience while in care of our institution Mrs. Fiona Jones said “they explained to me that the purpose of the surgery was to save my life. We didn’t know that Miracle would have been here because the fetal heartrate was not there during all the bleeding. When I saw her my heart leaped because I’ve never seen such a small baby. The staff was very good to me, the food was good and the wards are kept clean. All of these things during such a worrying time in my life was significant”. She went on to say “I would like to also thank God, my family and my church family and friends who supported me throughout this entire process”.
Although Miracle has not surpassed all of her challenges just yet, her will to survive instills confidence that she will continue to defy the odds as they may arise.